Tuesday 4 November 2008

Yopparataaaa!!! Durunkuuuu!

Ok, quickly to any BH staff who read my blogs and take offence to them. I'm honestly really sorry to offend you guys. Honestly, I think you're all awesome. You've made me feel so welcome and I've settled in so quickly thanks to all of you (although, Helen, you especially, have no idea what a massive help you've been to me)! Reading my blog back I can actually see how you can take offence to it. You guys have been here longer than me, so you all know eachother better and it's not fair of me to say, as a fact, that you're not close.
It's just, since I've arrived... I've felt very welcome... But quite isolated. I much prefer spending time with large groups of people than by myself, I'm well aware that not everyone likes this all the time, even me. I mean, I've left my door open (when it's tidy), in the hopes that you'll all feel like you can come and talk to me at any time... Meeting new people is very hard... And I figured that if I just threw myself out there and made an effort, it'd be easier.
Please, don't mistake my enthusiasm for some sort of self righteous crusade to make you all better people. It's honestly just a simple matter of wanting to please people, and I feel sad that people have misunderstood my intentions so much, as that's the last thing I wanted.
I'm still going to make an effort with parties and get-togethers and stuff because I really enjoy being around you guys... But please don't feel like I'll judge you if you don't come.
If I ever make any of you feel like this again, please just take me aside and talk to me about it. I write this blog mainly so my family can know what I'm up to and how I feel about things. I didn't think about the effect it might have on you guys if you read it.
Sorry again x

Anyway, yesterday was amazing! I was going to write this blog last night, but my laptop ran out of battery, and then I fell asleep.
So, I missed breakfast AGAIN! But that's fine because I had sushi for breakfast... Again.
James and I went down to Shirakawa. I bought myself some cereal and milk (although it's made out of soy beans... So it's not real) so when I miss breakfast again (meaning tomorrow), I can just have some of my own. I also got some English tea bags (YAAAY), a plant named George, a tea cup in which to put my plant, a box type thing, a washing bag... And some other random stuff I can't remember...

When we got back to BH, James and I spent the rest of the day cleaning the kitchen thouroughly! I've got a picture of me with the cloth I used... I'll upload it later. I felt so very pleased with myself. Loads of people commented that it no longer smelled of mouldy cat food... I'm going to have breakfast there once I've finished this blog, because I can!
I still want to sort the cupboards out so that there is some sort of organisation with the cutlery and crockery... But that'll have to wait until next week... Or whenever I have time off.

So, anyway, once we'd finished tidying up, James and I went for a quick swim (meaning James went for a swim, I did a lap and nearly passed out because I'm so horribly unfit!). Then Mansell came over and brought a load of delicious food! Then, Yasu arrived with a bottle of rose
champagne. So, after a lot of seriously good food and about 3 glasses of wine and champagne, I was quite tipsy to say the least. It was awesome, all of us sat around eating good food and chatting. Also, I had a chance to talk to Kenny properly for the first time... Kenny's cool...
When Helen told us that the interns were down in the pub, we decided to go down to the pub to hang out with the interns. I brought in a bottle of Vodka I bought so that I can get cheaper drinks at the pub (i.e. I only have to pay for the other drink mixed in). James asked me if he could use my vodka, and I didn't see why not... So he said
"Koka-Kora do Voduka o kudasai" - Coca-Cola and vodka please.
And I added
"Watashi no voduka!" - My vodka!
So Noriko (behind the bar) gave him a cola and me a shot of vodka... So after we realised that she'd misheard both of us, I ended up with a vodka and orange as well as the ridiculous amounts of alcohol I'd already consumed.

I was quite drunk. But I've noticed that when I'm drunk I'm far more comfortable with speaking Japanese... I stop worrying about whether I'm wrong and just say what I think is right... And thankfully, most of the time, it is... And when it's not I can blame the alcohol!
So, James and I went to the back of the pub to join Mel, Yuta and Yasu with all the interns. They're all so sweet! They're leaving today and I'm really going to miss them. I kept speaking to them in Japanese and they were really helpful and kept teaching me random words... Most of which I've now forgotten...
They then started asking for "Nora", asking when "Nora" would be down... I was like "who is Nora?!". Then Nolan came down and they all cheered! Apparently they find him cute. They then made a massive fuss of his shoulder length hair so I whispered to Ayumi "mitsuami" (plait), so she and Airi put his hair in pigtails, which looked adorable. I think Dennis joined us at one point... But I can't completely remember the whole night.
So yeah, there was lots of silly fun. Mel and Yasu kept picking the girls up and throwing them around, which was hilarious. I spent most of the night speaking in Japanese... Which made me feel so happy. I took loads of pictures, so they'll be up later... And I gave Ayumi my e-mail address so we can stay in contact, which will be awesome.
Oh, and I taught the girls random words... The best word I taught them was probably "yoink". When Ayumi took James' chair, I told her to shout "yoink" to him. So she did, then asked James what it meant. So we told her it was slang for stealing. She then kept using it. And when someone took her phone of her she shouted "I got yoink!" It was so cute!!
Also, at one point James said "oh, I see" when they explained something to him. Then they all started saying "wo ai ni!" I was like "but that's Chinese for 'I love you'"... then they said it sounded similar... I guess it does... Sort of...

After James, Nolan and I became exhausted with laughter and sillyness we headed back to the house to watch a film together and invited everyone in the pub. So James, Nolan, Dennis, Yasu, Kenny and I all watched Alien 3 together. About 2o minutes into the film I fell asleep, only waking up to see someone in the film, die, another guy curse loudly and everyone in the room laughed. I joined in the laughter and fell back asleep. Then later on I heard someone suggesting drawing a moustache on me... But I was still asleep so I didn't care.

So, I ended up going to bed at 2am last night... So I'm absolutley shocked that I woke up at 7:30, before my alarm... Maybe that's what I should do to become a
morning person. Drink lots and go to bed at stupid o'clock!

I tried uploading pictures, but they're being all weird sizes... So, later!