Tuesday 28 October 2008


I've been pulling this face pretty frequently throughout the day! D=

Seriously! Katherine made me a cup of tea for 8am, to which I then went back to sleep... Then at quarter to 9 I finally woke up and took a large gulp of my tea, thinking it was closer to 8... Eurgh! ><

So anyway, in 11 and a half hours I'll be boarding my plane! o,o Today has been quite epic in the amount of things I've had to do. I've been rushing everywhere trying to get everything done last minute... Oh god, I should've sorted EVERYTHING sooner!! ><

So, yeah... I've spent all day feeling horrified... It's finally real... Really, really real!

Oh god, I'm too tired to type... I have spent all day coming up with stuff to put in this blog so that people can know how I'm feeling the day before before I leave... But it's nearly 2am and I'm too scared to go to bed because then I'll have to wake up and I'll actually be leaving the country on my own! o,o So I'm staying up with Katherine, watching Coupling and doing this...

Yeah... I'm sure there will be an exciting blog posted on Thursday morning, UK time... When I actually arrive...

Yeah... Oyasumi nasai!